Hydrodynamic Response Analysis (HydRA)

About the software

The hydrodynamic tool, HydRA, developed by the Marine Autonmous Robotic Systems (MARS) Laboratory, Department of Ocean Engineering IIT Madras can be used for linear and non-linear hydrodynamic analysis of multiple vessels in open sea at various conditions. The program is capable of performing both frequency domain and time domain anaysis of floating structures.

The web application is provided to allow students or professionals in the industry to simulate fluid structure interactions and visualize the results without the need for a high-end computer or learning a new commercial software. HYDRA uses an intuitive text-based input format that is easy to use. Example files are provided to help the user to quickly modify them to suit the problem they want to solve. Being primarily developed by undergraduate students and with an intent to make it easy for other undergraduate students to use it, the web application is structured in such a way that minimal effort is needed to start using this tool.

Start a simulation

To get started go to the instructions page.
