Instructions Page

  1. Step 1:

    Go to the simulation page.

  2. Step 2:

    Enter the number of vessels.

  3. Step 3:

    Upload the GDF file (Sample given below):

    Sample GDF file

  4. Step 4

    Upload the input command file(.inp or .txt)
    A sample input command file is shown below:

    *job_prefix KCS

    *vessel 1 KCS.GDF

    *xbody 1
    0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

    *xprdct 1
    13.36000 .0000000 3.475000
    .0000000 57.71000 .0000000
    3.475000 .0000000 57.60000

    *vcg 1 3.552
    *lcg 1 0.0
    *tcg 1 0.0

    *vessel 2 KCS.GDF

    *xbody 2
    0.0 -50.0 0.0 0.0

    *xprdct 2
    13.36000 .0000000 3.475000
    .0000000 57.71000 .0000000
    3.475000 .0000000 57.60000

    *vcg 2 3.552
    *lcg 2 0.0
    *tcg 2 0.0

    *log_level 4

    *time_max 1000
    *time_step 0.25

    **wave regular 2 Specify regular wave components here
    4.0 10 45 90.0 Height, Period, Direction, Phase
    2.0 10 45.0 90

    **wave bret
    4 5 45 1 Height, Period, Direction, Spread function
    1 Parameter s for spread function

    **wave jonswap
    4 5 45 1 3.3 Height, Period,Direction, Spread function, Gamma
    50 Parameter s for spread function

    *wave pm
    4 20 135 0 Height, Period, Direction, Spread function
    50 Parameter s for spread function

    *irf_time 20


    Commands preceeded by a single "*" will be read as input. Download the file here. Edit the file according to your requirements. Save the file as KCS.inp and upload the file.

  5. Once this is done, you are all set to start the simulation. Click on the start simulation button.