
This simulation program developed by the Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems (MARS) Laboratory at the Department of Ocean Engineering IIT Madras can be used for both linear and non-linear hydrodynamic analysis of multiple vessels in open sea in various conditions. There are several results which can be studied to understand the behaviour of the vessels. More details on using the simulation is given in the instruction page.

Various physical properties of the vessels are calculated in the program and stored with the help of model files given as input. Panel properties are computed and the specific values are further used to calculate important properties of the vessel.

The various sea states available in the program currently are user specified regular waves and irregular wave spectra such as JONSWAP, PM & Bretschneider. The user can choose whether it can be a directional or uni-directional wave in addition to the type of wave spectrum for irregular waves. The irregular waves are programmed to follow Rayleigh distribution and thus is as close to real-life scenarios.

The scattering force calculation is done with the help of ForceDiffraction file given as input from the frequency domain program. The forces are interpolated for corresponding directions & amplitudes of the wave component to get the actual force.

A detailed theory manual will be made available soon.